'La guerre a Echoué' (tr: "War has failed") by Micheline Mwendike
In "La guerre a échoué" Micheline Mwendike chronicles the history of Goma between 1985 and 2012: from her birth to the birth of Lucha. Between war story and autobiographical reflection, this book reveals the personal and indelible memories of a Congolese woman who never knew how to close her eyes to what was happening around her.
The woman whose story is written in communion with that of citizen movements here lays the first fruits of non-violent struggle. As obvious. The war failed - in its military and political goals. But war has also failed in its mode. It never did manage to get the 'Gomatraciens' and 'Gomatraciennes' to give up. They continue to face the threat of war with the proposal of a Congo that could be dignified, sovereign and responsible.