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Who we are

Image by Henry Be

The idea


Today 95% of books by Congolese authors are published abroad. The cumulative costs of their transport and import makes them a luxury products, once in the DRC. Meanwhile, books that are sent as donations (to schools or public bookstores) often deal with subjects that are foreign to the local reality.


We've heard people say that Congolese don't read. "If you want to hide something from a Congolese, put it in a book". At Mlimani, we think that's a supply problem: that if there were paper back editions, at an affordable price, which talk about the country's subjects, available close by and discussed in public spaces, the written word would circulate.


African literary talent has been all the rage for a long time, especially in the French-speaking world. Our dream is to see the work of great African authors, from Blaise Ndala to Aimé Césaire, from Yala Kisukidi to Mumbere Mujomba be re-edited, printed and distributed in this country.

The publishing house

Our work is organized around three main activities


Publishing and Printing

Working with printers and binders in Goma to reduce printing costs.


Offering authors a professional editor experience, at the publisher's expense with a print run of 2000+ copies



Identifying and co-creating mobile and context-appropriate sales strategies to let books reach their readers.


Work collectively with existing publishers and liobraries in Goma to gain from joint projects


Reading promotion 

Organizing events in schools, bookstores, prisons, art centres along with authors.


Sharing information about book availability 

Our team

We work together, sharing the chain of work: from the planning, to the selection and proofreading of books, the administration, to the commercial management and the planning of events around the book.


We engage partners for design work (logo, cover, graphic charter), proofreading, communication and printing.

If you have any partnership proposals, do not hesitate to contact us. 

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DePaul Bakulu


Ben Kamuntu

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Charlotte Kobizoba




Focal Points

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Eliora Henzler


Ghislain Kabuyaya


Micheline Mwendike

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Apolline Ahadi

Our coordination team is based in Goma and works in a horizontal way with areas of responsibility: 


On communication, Ben is making and sharing content, just as Apolline is running the book clubs in schools and universities, Charlotte balances our accounts, Micheline and Eliora take care of manuscripts, sales and contracts. Ghislain coordinates the activities on the ground and DePaul moderates debates and discussions. This can change, as we all work together and help out as needed.


In several cities, Mlimani has a focal point who liaises with the local literary world: 



Rachel Zaina



Gaius Matolu Kabuyaya



Rachel Siherya



Rugen Dibwesa



Bienvenu Kasima



Carine Luanda

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